Friday, November 30, 2012

Apollo 18 and Lunar Truth

I recently saw a very well-done but disturbing film on Dish network.  It is Apollo 18, the story of the reportedly secret NASA mission to the moon, a mission that "offiiciallly" got cancelled.  I was very young at the time the last Apollo Mission (Apollo 17) flew, yet I watched ALL the TV footage of the Apollo missions---and since then I have always been very interested in any and all things space.  It never made any sense to me the reasons given by NASA and the US Government re: why the Apollo moon missions were cancelled.

How could we have learned all we could about the moon in 5 missions?  That is obviously moronic.  So, I always figured there was much more to the story than was told to us by NASA and the USA government.  Now we know.  Avoid the South Polar area of luna!